Air Velocity Monitoring for Critical Containment

Air Velocity Monitoring for Critical Containment
Engineering controls are used to protect laboratory workers. Examples include exposure control devices (ECDs) such as chemical fume hoods and biosafety cabinets (BSCs), which are ventilated to contain harmful toxins and odors, and safeguard against fume releases into the room. These critical containment cabinets differ in design, and airflow requirements vary as well, according to the application.

Airflow for Infection Prevention & Control

Airflow for Infection Prevention & Control
Infection prevention and control (IPC) measures to protect patients, personnel and visitors are well-established by hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, health care centers and multitudes of other public and private entities. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and supplemental guidance from the CDC, many are upgrading engineering controls for their facilities and implementing strategies to remove hazards through air ventilation.